Help Online

How to install and start

Feature request or bug reports

Send an e-mail to Marco Mastroddi on GMail.

Updating to a new version

CopyMastro by default is portable. The compressed file of every new version contains only the application files. When updating just extract the files into the CopyMastro folder and overwrite the old ones. Settings are not lost when updating as they saved in a separate folder called copymastro.ini.

Copy Functions

Copymastro has several functions you can use to back-up your files:

Destination mode options

Copy Options

Please note: recently the "MOVE" function was added to CopyMastro. For all purposes the "MOVE" function behaves exactly as the "COPY" function except that it moves folders/files to the destination source.

Destination File Exist Options

You can choose what to do if the file already exists in the destination folder:


You can find the preferences in File/Preferences. Here you will find three tabs:
System - External copy program - Misc


External copy program

When the option box is checked this allows you to set an external copy program of your choice to perform the copy instead of CopyMastro. This feature is for advanced users.


Copy/Supporter ID and CopyMastro supporters

Software is not written by itself and it takes a lot of time, tests and hours passed to think how to make things better. Donating a few dollars can help me to add new features. A way I have to be grateful to supporters is giving them more option flexibility. When a supporter makes a donation, he/she will receive a Copy/Supporter ID to change these (default) features:

Thank you Tony for updating this help!